Friday, November 22, 2013

Educational Tour 2013 caps off-campus activities

Learning is not boxed in a classroom.
This is definitely true. Part of the SCFK's program regarding alternative learning experience was an Educational Tour. On November 21, 2013, students from Preschool to Fourth Year level packed their bags and headed Manila and Laguna with the purpose of learning the twists and turns of the real world.
For the Preschool to Grade 3, they observed sea creatures at the Oceanarium, had an interaction with the birds of prey, watched Penguin Talk Show, unlocked the mystery of the Mirror Image, visited the world class Trick Art Museum, and watched educational film at the 3D Cinema Plus.
The Grade 4 to Fourth Year students, on the other hand, were stunned by the comprehensive researches at the Museum of Natural History, revisited the life of Jose Rizal at the Rizal Shrine, and had fun at the Grand Villa Resort and Butterfly Center.

Monday, November 11, 2013

November is English Month

The St. Claire Fountain of Knowledge held its very own Book and English Week putting emphasis on the value of English language in the global village. This is part of SCFK' commitment which is to produce graduates with above average English communication skills be it either in oral or written discourse.
To explore the linguistic intelligence of the students, several competitions like declamation and speech choir were sponsored by the English Department. Also, pupils and students enjoyed the stories told by an invited storyteller from Lampara Publishing.